the only problem with the dress was that the holes for my arms were pretty big. since i was too lazy to put on a camisole, i decided to just not care and wear the outfit without a camisole. so technically you could see my bra but only if i lifted my arms up. other than that, it wasn't even noticeable at all.
i got called out by my mum for being inappropriate and said that my dressing was explicit. the only reason why she even saw my bra was because she was sitting next to me while we were having lunch and obviously i had to lift up my arms in order to eat otherwise I'd just look plain ridiculous.
she started nagging me about how some men who might be extra horny would have raped me if they saw me dressing that way (ie. if they saw my lacey bra). i found this just stupid. let me just say that the reason why i didn't want to put on my camisole wasn't because i wanted to show off some skin to get boys's attention. it was because i have sensitive skin that gets easily prone to heat rashes when it's hot. it was a very hot day yesterday and my heat rashes were acting up so to not burden myself. i thought, hey! maybe i don't have to wear my camisole since it'll just make my heat rashes worse and besides my bra isn't that obvious anyway! but nope! i still got nagged at by my parents. my own parents for god's sake!
here's what i think. i do not have to dress a certain way that discomforts me just because some men can't control themselves and act impulsively. stop blaming the victim. stop blaming women. it's not our problem that you can't control that bulging erection of yours. it disgusts me how boys can run around shirtless all day and it's no big deal but when a girl does it it suddenly makes her a slut? grow up people! boobs are just fat on the chest. i see tons of men with man boobs going around shirtless and nobody says a thing. so why is it suddenly explicit when it comes to women?
and don't even get me started on why rape is okay because the guy "couldn't help it" because "the girl was asking for it by wearing something so skin revealing". please take those two excuses, wrap them up in a bundle, and then shove them up your own ass. it's not our problem if you men can't control your sexual fantasies. stop blaming others for your own faults. we see you men running around shirtless all day but we don't rape you because at least we have the decency to have some self control. honestly if rape is okay because a guy can't control his sexual urges then murder should be okay too because i'm having my time of the month.
i'm just really worked up about how we don't have enough feminism in our lives. all i did was not wear a camisole and it earned me two long lectures. at least i put on a bra and it's not like i would lift my arms up 24/7 like hey check it out! you can see my bra and while you're at it maybe you could smell my pits too!
women should be able to dress however they want without having the need to worry about whatever anyone thinks of the way they look. they need to be thought of as human beings rather than just sexual pleasures for men. we need equality. that is why we need feminism.
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