Tuesday, June 24, 2014

none of my business but an entitled opinion

i'm not sure if it's just mood swings that are causing these feelings but i seem to get really aggravated and angry these few days very easily especially over certain issues that have to do with feminism. 

so my best friend recently gave her number to this guy and lately he's been harassing her by sending her texts that make her feel uncomfortable. now the thing is, these texts would have been perfectly fine if the both of them had known each other for some time rather than a short time span of less than a week (approximately two days). 

from what she's been telling me, he's been sending her texts that have the word "baby" in them and other things that aren't exactly the type of things that a person would send to someone just after knowing them for a few days. the messages even make me uncomfortable reading them. i know it's none of my business but i just think that it's absurd. 

it's absurd for him to send such things to a girl whether he likes her or not. they're not even close. they've never spoken in person before. yet he sends her these things that make her feel uncomfortable.  it's just wrong. even if they were close, he still has no right to send her messages where she feels discomfort in reading. in fact, no boy should ever do this to any girl. it's just plain violation of her feelings. 

girls, please don't let idiotic immature boys like that make you feel uncomfortable. stand up for yourself. no one should make you feel violated. especially not a silly immature boy. not anyone at all. if you ever experience something like this you should tell him that you don't feel comfortable with what he's doing and that he needs to respect you and your opinion. if he doesn't listen, then block him. block him, report him, tell someone. do whatever it takes to stand up for your own rights. 

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